Congratulations to Brynn Worple for receiving the Merit Award for Acrylic Painting for her piece "Forest"!

Congratulations to Kiera Sullivan on her portfolio review with representatives from NMU, KCAD, MIAD, & Finlandia University.

Congratulations to Bryn Worple on her portfolio review with representatives from NMU, KCAD, MIAD , & Finlandia University!

Congratulations to all FMS Artists that participated in the 2022 Northern Lakes Conference Art Show! #GoFloCats

Congratulations to all FMS Artists that participated in the 2022 Northern Lakes Conference Art Show!

Congratulations Emma Klump for being selected for the NLC Technique Award for Acrylic Painting. #GoFloCats

Today: Baseball and softball games in Laona have been POSTPONED.
Thursday, May 12: Baseball and softball Double Header in Laona, 4:00 PM start

Logan Burrows' piece "Fast Food" was featured at the ASA Annual Student Art Competition that took place this week at the Kingsford High School.

Congratulations to Ava DeBoo for recieving the Merit Award for Mixed media for her piece "Agony"!

Congratulations Delany Donahue - NLC Administrator's Award & Technique Award for Oil Pastel. #GoFloCats

To understand the fears of people during the Cold War era, World History students debate the outcome of a fictitious scenario of post-nuclear world war.

Reminder April 28th, 2022 is Early Release Day, Elementary students will be dimissed at 12:15 and ms/hs students at 12:30.

Just Breath!

The Florence Athletic Booster Club is in need of volunteers for their spring concessions during the high school baseball, softball and track season. Please click on the link to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Club." https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080F44A9AE2DA6F94-spring

Hello Sunday! Make today epic!! #GoFloCats

Congratulations to Lizzy LaChapelle for being select student of the week. Lizzy is the daughter of Meaghan LaChapelle of Florence and is a Senior at FHS. She is a member of TORPEDOES. Lizzy is a dedicated student who is always working hard to improve herself and her work. She is very creative and focused. Lizzy is determined to create her art with craftsmanship and will do something again & again to get it "right". She is a pleasant student to work with and a has positive presence in the classroom. Her work ethic in her assignments, projects and final works of art are impressive! After graduation, she will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison for Wild Life Ecology. #GoFloCats

Mrs King is in Paris doing the training she needs to be ready to take our students to England\Ireland and Scottland this summer. She visited Notre dame and the best coffee break ever!!

Athletic Update
Today: Track in Niagara - CANCELLED
Today: Baseball now playing in Dunbar at 5:00
Today: Softball now playing in Pembine at 5:00

"The Florence Athletic Booster Club is in need of volunteers for their spring concessions during the high school baseball, softball & track season. Please click on the link to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Club." https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080F44A9AE2DA6F94-spring
Thank you!

TROOP Christmas Party
By: Kyleigh
On December 22 ,2021 the TROOP group, along with Mrs. H & Mr. Kangas, got together for a Christmas party! At the party, we each received a present that we went shopping for. Mr. Kangas made waffles that looked like Mickey Mouse, & we also had candy & milk. I like to see my friends when we have our parties . The TROOP group are friends that come from other schools!