Superintendent's Message
Dear Florence County Community,
The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas flies by quickly every year, and, before we know it, a new calendar year is upon us. I’m not sure where the last 5 months have gone, but with nearly 6 months in the district, I know I couldn’t be in a better place. I have had the opportunity to attend volleyball, football, and boys’ and girls’ basketball games, and our holiday concert series. I have enjoyed seeing our students succeed in several areas, and it has given me a great opportunity to get to know students and families.
I would like to formally thank all Florence County voters that supported the referendum, and thank all taxpayers for their continued support. Without your support, we simply would not have enough funding from the state to continue to operate in a way that best serves the needs of all Florence County students.
As winter weather is now heavily upon us, I would like to take the time to talk a little about school closures, delays, and early releases due to inclement weather. Some of the frequently asked questions I get are: How are inclement weather days determined? What IS the “magic” wind chill/temperature to call off school?
Cold is COLD in Wisconsin, and Wisconsin roads can be very slick, and snow covered at times. It is important for you to know that there are several factors that are considered when determining a delay or school cancellation. There is not just a specific “degree” threshold, or wind chill factor below “x” degrees that is used. There are not simply “x+” inches of snow that are used. Some of the many factors considered are: actual air temperature, wind speed and wind chill, current precipitation, forecasted precipitation, current ground cover (ice/snow), current road conditions, blowing/drifting snow, visibility, cooperation of our buses under existing temperatures, and……………….IF EVERY other school in the area calls school off, we’re probably going to call school off (even if our people truly feel we can “go”).
We try to make the determination to delay or cancel as soon as possible, and usually no later than 6:00 AM. Weather related decisions are posted on our Facebook page and sent to local TV and radio stations. Families of school-age children will also receive an email, text or voicemail to their child’s primary contact on file. If you do not receive a message, please call the office to be sure we have your correct information. If a delay is changed to a cancellation, such changes are posted in the same manner. Please know that I always try to error on the side of caution when making weather related decisions, so, if I find myself questioning whether we can safely go or not go, we will not go.
Lastly, we continue to have a shortage in bus drivers. We are continually looking for sub bus drivers and still have a route position vacancy posted. We currently do not have any substitute drivers, so if a driver is out ill, that puts us a route short, which causes us to combine routes and have delays for pick up and drop-off times. Thank you so much for your understanding during those challenging times.
Yours in Education,

Archived Messages