Request for Proposal
The School District of Florence County is seeking quotes from vendors who are interested in running Cat 6A cabling for the installation of our Halo sensors. The installation will be split between our buildings, with 19 runs in our MS/HRequest for Proposal
Scope of work to be done
School District of Florence County
Non-Propietry HVAC and Building DDC Conversion
The School District of Florence is looking for a proposal to convert our current HVAC & Building DDC to a more cyber-secured and energy-saving Direct Digital Control system
The proposal should include the installation of a virtual server and must also be able to communicate with our current field controllers.
Server software and licensing for two supervisory accounts
Program system & schedules and floor plan graphics.
End-user training.
Installation, engineering, programming, and check-out of control devices.
Please submit bids to or for more information:
Bill Witynski
Building and Grounds Director
School Dist of Florence County
PO Box 440
Florence WI 54121
Questions call 715-528-3215 Ext. 1101
Or email