The Tim Touchett Legacy Scholarship was established in 2015 in memory of former FHS graduate Staff Sergeant Tim Touchett, who passed away in 2014 after complications from surgery meant to embolize an arteriovenous fistula that ruptured near his brain stem. Money is raised for this scholarship through an annual corn-hole tournament held every summer in Delavan, Wisconsin. Tim embodied what it means to be a servant-leader and believed that through service to others, one could genuinely embark on a leadership role to motivate and inspire. His family offers this scholarship in the hope that this spirit will continue on through young people who share his mindset and deep commitment to the service of others. This year the Touchett family has awarded their $1500 scholarship to Evan Johnson. Evan is the son of Amy and Kris Johnson of Florence. He has represented FHS all across the sporting arena, earning ten varsity letters throughout his high school career. His selection to the National Honor Society has allowed him to serve his school and community for the past three years and represent his peers on the Student Council. Evan plans to play baseball at Elmhurst University and pursue a sports management degree.

Tim Touchett Legacy Scholarship
May 18, 2023