Academic & Career Readiness
What is Academic and Career Readiness?
Academic and Career Readiness is a student-centered (grades 6-12) program that provides access by:
Preparing students for employment through the establishment of postsecondary goals
Promoting cooperation between public schools and business and industry
Establishing a role for public schools in the economic development of Wisconsin
The 4 Stages to Successful ACR
Step 1: Who am I? Get to know your interests, skills, & strengths
Step 2: Where do I want to go? Explore career pathways and education opportunities
Step 3: How do I get there? Set your route! Set goals, choose courses, join clubs & activities,
obtain financing, fill out applications, write resumes
Step 4: GO! Recalculate as needed.
What are student benefits of ACR?
Through support of District Staff and Faculty students will:
Establish goals related to future postsecondary plans/employment
Reflect on strengths and interests
Conduct assessments on a scheduled timeline/plan
Connect goals to college and career exploration & planning
Receive support through relevant business and industry partnerships
Make Informed choices for post-secondary transitions into adulthood
When and how will ACR be implemented?
Academic and Career Readiness is being implemented this Academic School Year (2017-18)
Academic and Career Readiness Implementation will be by grade
Each Grade will have a Goal-Oriented & Benchmarked 6-12 Timeline
What ACR resources will students utilize?
What ACR resources will students utilize?
Xello -- Specific to Student Interest and Careers:
Online Portfolio to host information and artifacts
Interests & Strength Inventories
Learning Styles
Career Clusters & Career Pathways
Specific Career Information with interviews
WI & National Employment Demographics
WI & National Post-Secondary Options
Inspire Northeast Wisconsin
Employability Skills Course (Fall 2018)
Woodland Regional Learning Center
ACT Suite
Industry Advisory Council
DVR Services
Infusion within Current Curriculum