FLORENCE 2022 Little League Baseball and Softball Registration Where: Online, www.kingsfordlittleleague.com When: February 1st through March 15th, 2022 Who: Girls ages: 8-10($35) 11-12($40) 13-16($45) Who: Boys ages: 7-8($35) 9-10($40) 11-12($45) Questions, Concerns? Softball-Please call Shawn Wood 906-282-2750 Baseball-Please call Ed McCoy 906-282-1763 ! NEW THIS YEAR if you have a 7 year old player that wants to play Softball please let us know Kingsford is looking for 7 year old players to make a team!
almost 3 years ago, School District of Florence County
FLORENCE 2022  Little League Baseball and Softball Registration  Where: Online, www.kingsfordlittleleague.com  When: February 1st through March 15th, 2022  Who: Girls ages: 8-10($35) 11-12($40) 13-16($45)  Who: Boys ages: 7-8($35) 9-10($40) 11-12($45)  Questions, Concerns?  Softball-Please call Shawn Wood 906-282-2750  Baseball-Please call Ed McCoy 906-282-1763  ! NEW THIS YEAR if you have a 7 year old player that wants to play Softball please let us know Kingsford is looking for 7 year old players to make a team!
Youth Volleyball Tournament When: Saturday, April 16th 2022 Florence High School/Elementary School FEE $100.00 a team 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls Proceeds to help with equipment & Varsity Volleyball Program Medals given to 1st and 2nd place Entry deadline March 26th!!
almost 3 years ago, School District of Florence County
Florence Lady Cat Grils Spring Fling Youth Volleyball Tournament
Volleyball Roster Document to obtain this document email  tchrisman@florencecountywi.gov
Florence PTO is ready for the Glow Party!!
almost 3 years ago, Monica Chartier
Florence Elementary PTO
Florence Elementary PTO